Let us help you raise money for your community or church group, school or team event and more!

You’re looking for a fundraiser that is:
- Simple to operate
- Extremely profitable for your cause since your organization receives 30% of all sales
- Sell useful products or delicious meals people actually want to buy
You have landed in just the right place because Village Eatinghouse Fundraisers are all of this and MORE!
It is so stressful to ask people to buy something they don’t really want or need in order to support your cause. It feels more like begging, doesn’t it? Our Village Eatinghouse fundraiser changes all of that! Our products are delicious and useful to anybody who eats and prepares food! (Isn’t that pretty much everybody?) You can knock on your neighbor’s door with confidence because you are offering them products that will provide simple ways to make and serve tasty food!
Contact Melanie at to get the fundraising ball rolling!